About Us

Jobs and Skills Hubs are a free recruitment and training facilitation service to support Aotearoa’s construction and infrastructure sectors. We support major projects which improves employment and skills outcomes for communities through close collaboration between government agencies, employers and industry partners.

The Hubs are conveniently based within communities so people can secure sustainable work close to where they live, and or access training to upskill into the construction and infrastructure space.

For Jobseekers

We help people find training, apprenticeships and jobs to support a future career in the construction and infrastructure industries.

For Employers

We help find skilled workers for projects, extend the hiring pool of potential candidates, help managers upskill current staff; enable employers to better plan for current and future construction-related needs.

For the Community

Our staff are out and about in the community promoting construction careers and training opportunities to local schools, iwi, churches and non-government agencies to ensure a pipeline of skilled local people to enter sustainable jobs.

What is Jobs and Skills Hubs?

Frequently asked questions

Who can get help from Jobs and Skills Hubs?
This service is accessible to the entire community, including school leavers, single-income whānau, and jobseekers.
What type of jobs can Jobs and Skills Hubs help with?
We offer a wide range of jobs in the construction and infrastructure industry. Visit our jobs page to see our current jobs.
How do you support people looking for jobs?
We co-ordinate training opportunities, support apprenticeships, and provide job placement services to help job seekers enter the construction and infrastructure industries.
Is working in construction and infrastructure right for me?

If you're passionate about supporting your local community and gaining valuable skills and experience in construction and infrastructure then contact us.

What support does Jobs and Skills Hubs provide once you've started a job?
We provide wraparound support to both the employer and candidate to ensure it is the right fit from the start. We are also behind the scenes to ensure everything works smoothly, creating an easier transition into your job.

Learn more about the work we do here